Email Preview Text

Preview Text
(The text below the subject line)
This is the text that will be shown in an email client when showing a preview of the email.

Load Blog Posts From Your Website

Load Multiple Posts
This will load in multiple blog posts from your website.
Make sure to use your Blog Page's URL

Load Individual Posts
This will load in a single blog post from your website.
Make sure to use your Blog Post's URL

If you're using SiteForward's RSS Feed you can load posts from:

Load Multiple Posts

Load Individual Posts

Header Settings

No Header

Use Image

Looking to create a custom banner? - Try Canva.
Once the banner is created you will need to upload the banner to your website and copy the URL into here

Use Titles

Custom Header

Footer Settings

Using the template?
When using the template you will need to pay attention to the Trade Name/OBA/name field. If you're using your name you will need to ensure you accompany it with your title and legal entity.

When signing off with your own name, please use a soft line-break (Hold Shift and press Enter) to produce the example below:
Your Name
Investment Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.

No Footer

Use Template

Custom Footer

Colour Settings

Colour Settings
These settings will affect all posts, but individual post colours can also be set per post in the Edit tab

Style Settings

Style Settings
These settings will affect all posts, but individual post styles can also be set per post in the Edit tab

Border Radius(Rounded)
Due to Outlook's limitations, this will not be displayed in Outlook for Desktop or Web.

Post Spacing
Post Border Radius
Minimum Button Width (%)

Edit Newsletter

Looking for some images to use?
Try SiteForward's image bank:

Find Google Analytics Code

Google Analytics

The Analytic's code will save automatically once added

Google Analytics on Newsletters is still being tested, and may not work as intended.

How To View Analytics?

  1. If you don't have access to your Google Analytics, please send our team at SiteForward an email requesting access
    Please include your Google Email in your request
  2. Open your Google Analytics Dashboard
  3. Open your Events Overview tab
    Located under the Behaviour tab

Newsletter Management

Local (Web browser)
This will load/save the newsletter into your web browser's local storage.
Clearing your browser's cache will delete this saved version.

File (JSON file)
This will load/save the newsletter into a .json file that can be moved and saved on your computer

Local (Web browser)

Local will let you load/save the newsletter in your web browser.

File (JSON file)

File will let you load/save the newsletter in a JSON file that can be moved around.

Start from a Template

This will overwrite your current Newsletter.

Make sure to save your current newsletter if you think you may want to revert back to it.

Template Thumbnail

Use The Newsletter

Important Note:
If you're using this tool to create newsletters that involve dealer content please make sure to submit the final version to Sales Communication for review through Red Oak.

Copy HTML Code
Use this if you need to paste the HTML code into something that allows for code.

Copy Newsletter
Use this if you need to paste the Newsletter into something like MS Outlook.

Download Preview
Use this if you need to download a preview for Compliance.

Reset Global/Individual Styles

This will reset the styling of the global and individual posts of the newsletter

Make sure to save your current newsletter if you think you may want to revert back to it.

Enable MS Word Support

This can cause issues if enabled and is being used in an email.
Microsoft Word was not the intended use of this generator so support for MS Word is very limited.

After pasting the newsletter into MS Word right click on the inserted table, open table properties, go to columns, and unselect Preferred Width. Then you can drag the column width manually to fit the image

Search for help

How to Setup the Newsletter

If you're using SiteForward's RSS Feed you can load posts from:

  1. Go to the Setup tab
  2. Add your blog posts (Hover over the for tips)
    • Load Multiple Posts will load blogs from your Twenty Over Ten blog page (You can even choose how many to load in using the number beside the field)
    • Load Individual Posts lets you Load a single post from a Twenty Over Ten website (Use your blog post's URL link in this field)
  3. Choose your header option
    • No Header will make it so no header appears
    • Use Image allows you to use a banner image
    • Use Titles allows you to enter your own title & subtitle
    • Custom Header allows you to design your own header
  4. Choose your footer option
    • No Footer will make it so no footer appears
    • Use Template allows you to use a premade footer template (This will include the required disclaimers)
    • Custom Footer allows you to design your own footer
  5. Optional: Customize each post's colours by clicking on the coloured box

How to Edit the Newsletter

  1. Go to the Edit Items tab
  2. If you have loaded posts during setup you'll see a list of them here
  3. Clicking the in the top right will create a new post
  4. Clicking the to the right of each post will remove that post
  5. Clicking the to the right of each post will clone that post
  6. Clicking the to the right of each post will allow you to edit the colours for that post
  7. Edit the contents of each post by clicking on the field and typing
    • Title will change the title of the post (Supports HTML)
    • Description will change the description of the post (Supports HTML)
    • Date will change the subtext under the post's title (Supports HTML)
    • Link will change where the "Read More" button directs to
    • Read More will change where the "Read More" button text
    • Image URL will change the image to the left of the post
  8. Re-order your posts using the arrow head icons to the left of each post
    • will move the post to the top/bottom
    • will move the post up/down

How to use Analytics with the Newsletter

View the Analytics tab for more information on how to view the analytics

  1. Go to the Analytics tab
  2. Find your Google Analytics Code by entering your website's URL and clicking Find Code
  3. Enter your Newsletter's name (This can be something simliar to: Winter 2019)

How To View Analytics?

  1. If you don't have access to your Google Analytics, please send our team at SiteForward an email requesting access
    Please include your Google Email in your request
  2. Open your Google Analytics Dashboard
  3. Open your Events Overview tab
    Located under the Behaviour tab

How to Use the Newsletter

If you're planning to use the newsletter in MS Word make sure to enable MS Word Support in the Settings tab in the newsletter generator

  1. Go to the Use Newsletter tab
  2. Copy Code will copy the code to your clipboard
    • Use this if you're using a CRM and require HTML code
  3. Copy Newsleter will copy the whole newsletter to your clipboard
    • Use this if you're using Outlook/Gmail or posting as a blog on your website
  4. Paste the newsletter/code to where you need it

How to Load / Save the Newsletter Options & Posts

If a newsletter has been saved locally you'll recieve a popup in the bottom right to quickly load it.

  1. Go to the Load / Save tab
  2. Choose how you want to load/save the newsletter
    • Local will let you load/save the newsletter in your web browser.
      • Save the newsletter will save the newsletter in your web browser.
      • Load the newsletter will load the newsletter from your web browser.
    • File will let you load/save the newsletter in a JSON file.
      • Save the newsletter will save the newsletter in a JSON file.
      • Load the newsletter will load the newsletter from a JSON file.
    • Legacy only use this if you need to load/save with seperate JSON files
      (No longer supported)

Newsletter Generator Changelog

To view the changelog for the Newsletter Generator click on the link below: